Hosting companies looking to grow need to build customer loyalty first. Bringing on new customers is great, but if they stay for a few months to a year and leave, you won’t ever be able to truly grow your business.
When a customer receives an amazing product and incredible service, they become loyal. They actually become scared to work with another company because of how well they have been treated. This is true customer loyalty and the foundation of any great hosting business.
They Will Leave You
The hosting industry is highly competitive. If you don’t take care of your customers, they will leave you. With so many great choices out there, it’s not hard for a customer to rationalize leaving, if the service or product isn’t quite what they hoped for.
Outsourced Supports Makes All the Difference
As a hosting company, you have a choice to make. You can handle technical support in house or you can outsource it to experts in the industry. In house support is great, but it can become very expensive and overwhelming. As your customer base grows, your support team must also grow. If they don’t, support requests go unanswered longer and you will lose customers.
When you outsource the technical support side of your business, you gain experts ready to handle all of your support needs. When one of your hosting customers contacts support, they don’t have to be anxious waiting forever for a response. The right outsourced support will answer promptly and handle the issue, while providing great customer care.
Since outsourced support will be branded to your business, your customers will receive support from your brand. This will help to build the customer loyalty you need as the foundation of your business. If you truly want to grow your business to the next level, you need to outsource support to create better customer loyalty.
One Size Fits All is Simply False
Using scripts or templates to respond to support requests is the quickest way to alienate your customer. This happens with larger hosting companies and customers feel more like a number than a customer. As humans, we all have a basic desire to be treated special. When your outsourced support team treats your customers’ special, you gain customer loyalty.
Support requests must be handled one at a time without a one size fits all approach. This means, you need to offer multiple options for support and a team large enough to take the time necessary with each issue. When your customers feel like your support really helped them and treated them well, they will become loyal to your company.
Experts on Your Side 24/7/365
As a hosting business, you need to offer the best of the best to your customers. If you want to keep them using your hosting for a very long time, hiring an expert technical support staff is the only way to go.
It’s very expensive to hire an in-house support team filled with experts. However, when you outsource hosting support to a team of experts willing to provide technical support 24/7/365, you pass these benefits along to your customers.
When you’re ready to grow your hosting company, you need to use outsourced support to create customer loyalty. Not only will your customers be happier, but you will also free up time to work on growing your business to the next level.