This has to be one of the most annoying “features” of ubuntu. Your computer rests or you restart it and some of your key pad numbers cause the mouse pointer to move instead of entering in numbers. I battled with it for a while and the solution is to go to:
System – Preferences – Keyboard – Mouse Keys – Uncheck – Pointer can be controlled using the keypad
However, uncheck that box and then apply the following fix which will permanently disable it. This fix simply stops it from resetting:
sudo vi /usr/share/X11/xkb/compat/complete
and comment out two lines:
augment “mousekeys”
augment “accesx(full)”
Actual File:
// $XKeyboardConfig$
// $Xorg: complete,v 1.3 2000/08/17 19:54:34 cpqbld Exp $
default xkb_compatibility “complete” {
include “basic”
augment “iso9995”
//augment “mousekeys”
//augment “accessx(full)”
augment “misc”
augment “xfree86”
augment “level5”
Save the file and you will have achieved victory over the keypad!