If you need to clear click data from a Prosper202 Database, and you have an extremly large database, it is better to do it from the command line instead of from a graphical interface such as from Prosper, or phpMyAdmin.
Here are the steps to do this.
- SSH to the server
- Connect to the MySQL database
mysql -A $dbname -u'$username' -p'$password' (replace the $dbname $username, and $password with the proper info for the database)
- Run this command to get a unix timestamp
- The above command will give you a number like 1486665293 (this is unix timecode for one month prior to the time you ran this command)
- After you have the timestamp code, you need to run the following commands.
DELETE FROM 202_clicks WHERE click_time < 1486665293 ; (In this line, replace the number 1486665293 with whatever number you got from the command above.)
DELETE FROM 202_clicks_advance WHERE click_id NOT IN (SELECT click_id FROM 202_clicks);
DELETE FROM 202_clicks_counter WHERE click_id NOT IN (SELECT click_id FROM 202_clicks);
DELETE FROM 202_clicks_record WHERE click_id NOT IN (SELECT click_id FROM 202_clicks);
DELETE FROM 202_clicks_site WHERE click_id NOT IN (SELECT click_id FROM 202_clicks);
DELETE FROM 202_clicks_spy WHERE click_id NOT IN (SELECT click_id FROM 202_clicks);
DELETE FROM 202_clicks_tracking WHERE click_id NOT IN (SELECT click_id FROM 202_clicks);
DELETE FROM 202_ips WHERE ip_id NOT IN (SELECT ip_id FROM 202_clicks_advance);
DELETE FROM 202_last_ips WHERE ip_id NOT IN (SELECT ip_id FROM 202_ips);
DELETE FROM 202_sort_ips WHERE ip_id NOT IN (SELECT ip_id FROM 202_ips);
- Once you have executed all 10 command, you should optimize the database. You can copy and paste this whole line. It will do each table one by one.
OPTIMIZE TABLE `202_clicks`; OPTIMIZE TABLE `202_clicks_advance`; OPTIMIZE TABLE `202_clicks_counter`; OPTIMIZE TABLE `202_clicks_record`; OPTIMIZE TABLE `202_clicks_site`; OPTIMIZE TABLE `202_clicks_spy`; OPTIMIZE TABLE `202_clicks_tracking`; OPTIMIZE TABLE `202_ips`; OPTIMIZE TABLE `202_last_ips`; OPTIMIZE TABLE `202_site_urls`;