VirtFS allows a user SSH access, while securing him to his home directory. It makes it impossible for the user to access any other users folders, as he is jailed to his own folders.
This can cause a server to use up a lot of space however, so you may need to disable this. Bellow are the steps on disabling VirtFS.
Do not delete the /home/virtfs/username folder as this will delete the actual folder of the customer, causing them to loose all their data
To disable it system wide, login to your WHM, click on Server Configuration -> Tweak Settings -> Use cPanel® jailshell by default (set this to OFF)
Then go and disable it on any accounts that currently have it enabled.
Account Functions -> Manage Shell Access. Uncheck normal and disabled. This will list all accounts currently using jailed shell. Simply change them to disabled, or normal shell.
Once the above is done, run these commands to ensure that it has indeed been disabled.
grep username /etc/passwd
(replace username with their username).
If you see something like this:username:x:733:733::/home/username:/usr/local/cpanel/bin/jailshell
Then it’s still enabled. Otherwise, it’ll look something like this:
crontab -l -u username
If you see this line in their crontab:
then you need to edit the crontab and remove it.
w | grep -i username
This will show you if the user is currently logged into the server. If they are you should ask them to log out, or you can forcibly log them out.
/scripts/clear_orphaned_virtfs_mounts –clearall
This is a cpanel script that should unmount any virtfs folder.
If the above script missed any, you can also do this:
for i in `cat /proc/mounts | grep /home/virtfs | cut -d ‘ ‘ -f 2 ` ; do umount $i ; done
This will look in the /proc/mounts file for any listing containg virtfs, it will then unmount any that it finds.