Have you spent more time trying to find new customers than thrilling your current customers? It doesn’t help much if you’re just replacing current customers with new customers. Instead, you need to have a focus on thrilling current customers to ensure they stay with you and even buy more from you.
Many businesses spend far more time and money trying to acquire new customers than they do on taking care of their current customers. Customer retention and the happiness of your customer base often take a back seat. This can lead to customer churn, which doesn’t help your business grow.
Did you know, it’s 6 to 7 times more expensive to attract new customers compared to retaining old customers? This is according to the White House Office of Consumer Affairs.
Only 7% of customers actually say that the customer service experience they have with companies exceeds their expectations, according to Echo 2012 Global Customer Service Barometer.
This means, if you’re providing great customer service, you’re in the minority as 93% of consumers are not getting the customer service they want or need. With a better customer experience, you can retain more customers and actually get them to purchase more from you.
What does All this Mean for a Web Hosting Company?
As a web hosting company, do you make your money by just selling one shared hosting package to one customer for the next 3 years? What happens when that customer needs to upgrade, buy an add-on, needs a new domain or wants something else you sell? Do they buy it from you or do they find another company to handle their needs?
By providing excellent support and customer service there’s a better chance of upgrades and add-on sales coming your way instead of going to a separate company. If you show some love to your current customers and you thrill them, they will purchase whatever they need, as long as you offer it, from you.
How to Provide Better Customer Service and Thrill Your Customers
One of the biggest ways a web hosting company can delight customers and keep them happy is choosing the right company to handle their support. Often, small, medium and even some large hosting companies will outsource support to a third-party. If you choose the wrong company to handle your support, it could be the reason you lose customers faster than you can find new customers.
However, when you choose the right team for your outsourced support, not only will they listen to your customers and help to solve their problems, but they will also leave your customers happy, thrilled and delighted. This may be the key to customer retention and actually getting them to buy more from you.
Another way a hosting company can increase sales through their current customers is through the sales and customer service team. If you have a separate team of employees handling sales and customer service, while outsourcing the technical side of support to a third-party, you need to train your employees to upsell and help. With the right training, employees handling customer service will actually sell for you at the same time.
Keeping these employees happy will go a very long way, as well. You need to education them and empower them to make sales whenever the opportunity arises. With the right training, you can create a team of customer service representatives ready to handle customer questions and comments, along with helping customers find the right products for their needs.
If you want to build your business, start with the customers you have and thrill them. Instead of dedicating so much time to finding new customers, build your sales by retaining more current customers and meeting their needs with the products they desire.