If a client is logging into their cpanel, and trying to launch RVSiteBuilder, but they are getting the following error:
Cannot connect to DB, check your credentials, exiting …..
Sorry your request can not be processed now.Please contact your service provider. .
This is not a user problem, but a RVSiteBuilder problem. Check the database username and password in the config file located here:
Make sure that the username and password listed in that file match what MySQL has.
If you run the following commands, it will apply the username and password to the database.
grant all privileges on DATABASE_NAME.* to USERNAME@”localhost” identified by ‘PASSWORD’;
grant all privileges on DATABASE_NAME.* to USERNAME@”SERVER.IP.ADDRESS” identified by ‘PASSWORD’;
grant all privileges on DATABASE_NAME.* to USERNAME@”SERVER.HOSTNAME” identified by ‘PASSWORD’;
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