Category Archives: Linux
Find where disk space is being used
If you’re running low on space, you can use the following commands to track down the larger users of space on the server. The following command will display all files and folders sorted by MegaBytes. cd /home; du –max-depth=1 | sort -n | awk ‘BEGIN {OFMT = “%.0f”} {print $1/1024,”MB”, $2}’ The following …
“Error: xz compression not available” on a WHM upgrade
When running an upgrade on WHM, if you get the error Error: xz compression not available, then you probably have the wrong epel release installed on your machine. The fix for this is simple. First run this to remove it yum remove epel-release then run this to install the proper version yum install epel-release Once …
Quick tip: Help speed up PureFTPD
In PureFTP, you can help speed up connections by changing the following 2 settings in the pureftpd.conf (/etc/pureftpd.conf on most servers) UseReverseDNS off IdentLookups off Once you have made the change, simply restart PureFTPD on your server, and incoming connections should be quicker.
How to create a MySQL database from command line
If you need to create a database, and you don’t want to bother logging into a graphical interface, you can do this via the command line with a few simple commands. First, if the database already exists, you’ll need to delete it with the following command. mysql -u root -p$password -e ‘DROP DATABASE $targetdb;’ This …
How to backup a MySQL database via SSH
To backup a database, it is pretty easy. Here are the 2 commands I use most If you are planning on restoring this into a new empty database, then use this command. mysqldump –add-drop-table -u db_username -p db_name > mybackup.sql If you are planning on merging this backup into an existing database, then you should …
cPanel – IP addresses have become unbound
If you have a server that has multiple IP addresses on it, but you run an ifconfig and it shows only your primary IP address, then you need to rebind the IP addresses. The simple fix for this is to simply run: /scripts/restartsrv_ipaliases All IP’s that you have setup in the WHM should now be …
warning: shell_exec() has been disabled for security reasons
If you get an error like this, it means that shell_exec is disabled in the php.ini file. To re-enable it, you need to do the followng SSH to the server edit the php.ini file (on cpanel it’s /usr/local/lib/php.ini) search for the line that says “disable_functions” remove shell_exec from this line Save the file, and …
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