Sometimes you may get targeted by fraudsters or hackers from a specific country. If you do not expect to ever have legitimate business, or website visitors in those countries, you can block them all together using CSF (ConfigServe Firewall Download here)
To do this, once you have CSF installed on your cpanel server, login to your WHM and click on the ConfigServer Security & Firewall plugin at the bottom of the left hand menu.
Once the CSF menu loads, click on the Firewall Configuration button, then search for the setting called “CC_DENY”. In this setting, you would enter the 2 letter country code for any country you want to block access to. For a full listing of country codes, take a look at this page.
You can enter multiple country codes by seperating each 2 letter code with a comma.
After you have added your block, save the changes, then restart the firewall.