If you need to copy a wordpress site to a new domain, you can do so with the following steps.
- Download a copy of their document root from the source folder
- If they have a website on the destination folder already, create a backup of it. Either rename the folder to foldername.out and make a new foldername, or make a tarball of the folder (tar cfz foldername.tar.gz foldername)
- Upload the files you downloaded in step one to the new document root
- Look in the wp-config.php file for the old database name, database username, and database password
- Create a new database in the new cpanel account. Create a new username and password as well. Typically, I just create them with the same database name, username and password so that I only have to change the part before the _ in the username and database name
- Assign the new username to the new database name
- Export the database from the old site
- Open the .sql file in wordpad and do a search and replace
- Search for /home/UserName/public_html/ (or whatever the path is to their old document root)
- Replace with /home/NewUserName/public_html (or whatever the new path is to their document root)
- Search for domain.com
- Replace with newdomain.com
- Now, import the .sql file into the new database you created in step 5.
- Update the wp-config.php in the new document root to use the new database name, username, and password
- Chown the files in the new document root to the new username
- Test the site to make sure it works