Often, hosting companies start by providing their own support. This may be done with a couple of employees while they are small. However, it doesn’t take much to outgrow the ability to fund and provide support around the clock.
As most in the hosting industry know, if you don’t provide 24/7 support, you’ll struggle to get and keep customers. This requires the right mix of people on your support staff, which must grow as your customer base grows. If it doesn’t, you’ll end up with long wait times, which will also cost you customers.
You may be wondering how you will be able to provide quality support on a tight budget. By outsourcing your hosting support, you have the ability to gain an incredible support team for a fraction of the price. Here are a few key reasons why you should outsource your hosting support.
You can Focus on Growth
With support off the table, you get to step back and focus on growing the company. Support can be very time consuming and may cause you many headaches. However, with it gone, you don’t have to worry as much. Instead, you can focus on what you do best and get the company to the level you prefer.
Scale Support as Necessary
If you hire your own support staff and the company’s customer base drops, you cannot really scale back that support without firing someone. With outsourced hosting support, you can scale up or down as necessary. This makes it easy to grow without any worries if you lose a big account or a handful of accounts.
Provide Real 24/7 Support
While you may have found a way to provide around the clock support without outsourcing it, you may not be providing your best IT staffers during all hours of the day. With outsourced support, you get the best of the best around the clock. This means your customers get real 24/7 support without any corners getting cut.
Ability to Provide Multilingual Support
Do you want to expand to another country? With the right outsourced support you can by providing multilingual support in other areas of the world.
Backup Coverage
Without outsourcing your support, what happens if someone quits, gets sick or doesn’t clock in on time? Do you have a backup plan in place?
Outsourced hosting support gives you a full backup plan because it’s not just a few staffers handling it. If someone doesn’t show up, another person will take over your support because it’s a full team of IT support experts.
Holiday Coverage
Giving employees the holidays off is necessary in most cultures. However, you still need to take care of your customers. With outsources support, you get full coverage, 365 days a year.
There are many reasons for hosting companies to outsource their support. It won’t just save you money, in most cases, but will also make things much easier as you grow your hosting company to levels you may not even know you can reach.