Category Archives: DNS
How to fixed named.conf on cPanel
The named.conf file can become corrupted on occasion. It is rare, but it does happen. The fix is very simple. make a backup of your config with this command mv /etc/named.conf /etc/named.conf.bak Once you have created the backup, run this cPanel script to rebuild the config. /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/rebuilddnsconfig Then simply restart the named service. /etc/init.d/named …
Gmail flagging all of your mail as spam
If all of the email you send to gmail (google) addresses are getting flagged as spam, but your server is clean, and not on any other blacklists, then something to check is if you have IPv6 enabled in Exim, but not in your SPF record. In a cPanel update, they added the following option to …
Quick Tip: Checking SPF and DKIM records
If you want to check if the DKIM and SPF records have been setup on the dns server for issue the following 2 commands. DKIM dig TXT If you have it setup right, you should see something like this in the answer section: ;; ANSWER SECTION: 300 IN TXT “v=DKIM1\; k=rsa\; p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAyWompSSOHvgTtoRiLN1ieoj38kn7BK5suTGXeEXup9u96uCKw/73VaOfKngsUcAYr44/usj0cSNzlHbfWPDsm0cMToLiv7oqB4Ly+QsyzopfXc/UCJX2+pPGERiX9FjaEWADY6CTOxC+0f2J7150mh2G12cnSlmZvQ/M25GKnWDg9PX/8CojpDZUype5Mo15V” …
Mass changes to DNS zones on a cpanel server
Let’s say you have a DNS server change, and need to update the zone records on all your domains to use the new name server “NS” records. Rather then going through each and every one of them in the WHM, you can run these 2 simple commands. cd /var/named;grep -lR *.db >> fixfiles.txt for …
Common DNS syntax errors
How To Clear Your DNS Cache
Bind Error: ignoring out-of-zone data
Recently a customer created an CNAME record for in their cPanel but the changes were not taking effect. When looking in /var/log/messages, I was seeing an error like this: /var/named/ ignoring out-of-zone data ( The cname they added looked like this sales. 14400 IN CNAME The reason this was wrong, was the customer …
How to use dig – DNS
Here are few examples of how to use dig from within SSH to query a nameserver: dig @NS2.hostname.COM mx This will query or ask what the mx record is for dig @NS2.hostname.COM If you remove the mx it will simply reply with the A record for
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