Category Archives: MySQL
How to backup a MySQL database via SSH
To backup a database, it is pretty easy. Here are the 2 commands I use most If you are planning on restoring this into a new empty database, then use this command. mysqldump –add-drop-table -u db_username -p db_name > mybackup.sql If you are planning on merging this backup into an existing database, then you should …
Grant remote MySQL access
If you are trying to connect to a mysql database remotely, you need to make sure the remote IP address is allowed access to the database. To do this, run the following command. GRANT ALL ON `$db`.* TO ‘$user’@’$host’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘$pass’; Replace $db with the database name Replace $user with the database username …
Removing a database for a plesk application that was deleted
If you have a customer that deleted an application that was installed via the Plesk applications, but the database did not delete, and it will not allow you to delete it, then you need perform the following steps: SSH to the server mysql -uadmin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow` use psa select id from data_bases where name=”databasename”; databasename …
How to connect to MySQL on a Plesk server via commandline
This is a quick tip. If you need to connect to the MySQL databases via command line on a plesk server, simply issue this command. mysql -uadmin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow` Note: Those are backticks around the cat command, not single quotes. The backtick is the same key as the ~ key on your keyboard. …
Removing a MySQL database that contains a period in it – cPanel
Sometimes you may come across a database that contains a period in the name. This will cause you problems when trying to move the customers site to another server. This database will not be removable from within cPanel itself. to remove it, do the following: Example database name (mydatabase.out) Example Customer cPanel username (mycustomer) …
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