Category Archives: Recent News
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Quick tip: Help speed up PureFTPD
In PureFTP, you can help speed up connections by changing the following 2 settings in the pureftpd.conf (/etc/pureftpd.conf on most servers) UseReverseDNS off IdentLookups off Once you have made the change, simply restart PureFTPD on your server, and incoming connections should be quicker.
How to create a MySQL database from command line
If you need to create a database, and you don’t want to bother logging into a graphical interface, you can do this via the command line with a few simple commands. First, if the database already exists, you’ll need to delete it with the following command. mysql -u root -p$password -e ‘DROP DATABASE $targetdb;’ This …
lowest numbered MX record points to local host
If you have a customer that has moved their mail off your server to a 3rd party like gmail, or outlook, and they try sending an email to that domain from another domain on your server and get an error like this: 2015-04-13 02:49:31 H=([]) []:55156 sender verify defer for <[email protected]>: lowest numbered MX record …
How to register custom name servers
If you wish to have your own custom name servers, then you need to register them at your domain registrar. For example, if you own and you want to register and, then you would need to tell your registrar what IP addresses those nameservers resolve to. Here are a few common domain …
Error from domain wrapper: is owned by another user
I’ve seen this error pop up from time to time when adding a subdomain, addon, or parked domain. This happens when the domain was on the server previously, but was not properly removed. To correct this, try the following. 1. Remove the new domain name from the following files /etc/named.conf /var/cpanel/users/cpanel-username 2. Remove the …
How to create cPanel accounts from command line
If you’ve ever wanted to create a cpanel account from the command line, here is the command to do it. /scripts/wwwacct The Syntax of this command is as follows: wwwacct <domain> <user> <pass> <quota> <cpmod[advanced/?]> <ip[y/n]> <cgi[y/n]> <frontpage[y/n]> <maxftp> <maxsql> <maxpop> <maxlst> <maxsub> <bwlimit> <hasshell[y]/[n]> <owner> <plan> <maxpark> <maxaddon> <featurelist> <contactemail> <use_registered_nameservers> <language> …
Bind Error: ignoring out-of-zone data
Recently a customer created an CNAME record for in their cPanel but the changes were not taking effect. When looking in /var/log/messages, I was seeing an error like this: /var/named/ ignoring out-of-zone data ( The cname they added looked like this sales. 14400 IN CNAME The reason this was wrong, was the customer …
Share a folder between 2 cpanel accounts on a server
If you have a customer that wants to share a folder between 2 separate accounts of theirs, it’s a little tricky to get the permissions just right, but it can be done fairly easily. Note* This is not something that cPanel supports, and their may be some inherent security risks with this, so do this …
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