Category Archives: Security
How to disable 2 factor authentication via command line on a cPanel server
If you have enabled Two-Factor Authentication on your WHM, but have lost access to get your codes, you can disable it via SSH command line. To disable it via command line, ssh to the server and run this command: whmapi1 twofactorauth_disable_policy This turns two-factor auth off. However, it does not delete the current two-factor setups. …
How to fix 530 Login authentication failed in Pure-FTP on cPanel
As the error states, the issue is that the user can not authenticate properly. There are 2 common reasons to get this error when making a connection via FTP to a Pure-FTP server on cPanel. Using the wrong username and password Corrupted password database First, the most common reason, is user error. They enter …
Whitelist a process on CSF (configserve firewall)
If you are getting an email like this from your server: lfd on Suspicious process running under user nobody Executable: /usr/local/bin/memcached Command Line (often faked in exploits): /usr/local/bin/memcached -u root -m 16 -p 11211 -u nobody -l In this case, it’s saying that memcached is running, but could be fake. If …
Reset a password for Prosper 202
If you have lost your password for the admin page of Prosper 202, you can reset it via the database. If you have phpMyAdmin installed, open it up, go into the 202_users table, edit the user account you want to change the password to, and set the “user_pass” to 1ddd38fae1a40c096484f209bea02e70 This will set the password …
Plesk: Your IP address has changed error in webmail
If you’re logged into webmail, and then you get an error like this: Your Internet Address has changed since the beginning of your Mail session. To protect your security, you must login again This means that your computers IP address has changed, and plesk does not like that, because it thinks someone could …
warning: shell_exec() has been disabled for security reasons
If you get an error like this, it means that shell_exec is disabled in the php.ini file. To re-enable it, you need to do the followng SSH to the server edit the php.ini file (on cpanel it’s /usr/local/lib/php.ini) search for the line that says “disable_functions” remove shell_exec from this line Save the file, and …
Quick Tip: Checking SPF and DKIM records
If you want to check if the DKIM and SPF records have been setup on the dns server for issue the following 2 commands. DKIM dig TXT If you have it setup right, you should see something like this in the answer section: ;; ANSWER SECTION: 300 IN TXT “v=DKIM1\; k=rsa\; p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAyWompSSOHvgTtoRiLN1ieoj38kn7BK5suTGXeEXup9u96uCKw/73VaOfKngsUcAYr44/usj0cSNzlHbfWPDsm0cMToLiv7oqB4Ly+QsyzopfXc/UCJX2+pPGERiX9FjaEWADY6CTOxC+0f2J7150mh2G12cnSlmZvQ/M25GKnWDg9PX/8CojpDZUype5Mo15V” …
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