Category Archives: Cpanel
Installing ImageMagick on a cPanel server
If you have a client asking for ImageMagick to be installed on a server, do the following. First, make sure that it is not already installed. To do this, SSH to the server, and type the following: which convert This command will tell you where the convert (the main image magick binary) file is located …
How to enable Passive FTP mode on cPanel
If passive mode is not enabled on your FTP server, then a customer who’s trying to use passive mode will timeout when trying to get a directory listing. To enable passive mode on your ftp server on a cPanel server, do the following: Pure-FTP SSH to the server as root (or another user, then su …
Setup quota on OpenVZ VPS containers
It seems that out of the box, OpenVZ with cPanel, disk quotas do not work. You can set quotas on clients accounts inside the WHM, but they don’t actually calculate, so essentially, everybody on that server has unlimited disk space. To correct this, you need to make the following changes on the VPS hardware node. …
Deciphering CSF blocked messages on a cPanel server
Often a client will get their IP address blocked on CSF ( The blocked messages will tell you why it was blocked, however it’s usually quite vague stating it was blocked for failed passwords to the POP3 server. What it doesn’t tell you however is which account caused the block. Here is my cheat sheet …
Checking mail queues on OpenVZ cpanel containers
Did you ever want to check the mail queues on all containers on a single VPS hardware node without having to login to each server to check? If all of the containers are running cPanel on them, then run the following command on the hardware node. for i in $(vzlist | grep running | awk …
Find outdated versions of WordPress on your Cpanel or Plesk server
In my opinion, one of the most vulnerable software packages out there has to be wordpress. Not a day goes by that I don’t come across a hacked wordpress site. More often then not, the reason the site was hacked is the client did not keep their wordpress updated. Hacked wordpress sites will not only …
How to get a listing of all Joomla installs on your server, and their versions.
This how to applies to Linux based, cPanel, and Plesk servers. If you are looking to find out who on your server is running old insecure versions of Joomla, then the following commands will help to track them down. This will scan through all your users home directories, find out who has Joomla installed, and …
What should You Know about the cPanel and WHMCS Partnership?
A few years ago, cPanel and WHMCS joined powers to create a WebHost Manager and Control Panel like no other. Web hosts rely on great developers and tools to make their product special. CPanel and WHMCS combined powers to provide just this type of tool for web hosting companies. What is cPanel & WHMCS? CPanel …
Cpanel Exim How To Clear The Mail Queue
Here’s the proper way to clear the exim mail queue on a cpanel server. /etc/init.d/exim stop; sleep 10; killall -9 exim eximd sleep 5; #clean out the mail queue find /var/spool/exim -mindepth 2 -type f -exec rm -rf {} \; #clean out the mail db files find /var/spool/exim/db -type f -exec rm -rf {} \; …
Cleanup unused email accounts in cpanel
Here’s a great way to cleanup unused or unchecked email accounts in cpanel. find /home/*/mail/.*/new -name “1*” -mtime +180 -type f -exec rm -rf {} \; This assumes a few things, however the logic works. The assumptions are that you’re using cpanel and that your user’s websites are located on /home. The format for cpanel …
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