Category Archives: Linux
MySQL database exists on the server, but does not show up in the cPanel
This has been rare, but I have seen it a few times lately. A customer asked why their database was missing in their cpanel. Their site was still able to access the database however, and when I looked in /var/lib/mysql the database still showed up there. The reason for this is that the database mapping …
Fixing permission on /tmp
If you have services that are not running, be sure one of the things you check are permissions on /tmp. If the permissions on /tmp are set incorrectly, many services will fail to run properly. To check permissions, run this command: /var/lib/mysql]# ls -l / | grep tmp You should get an output like this: …
Missing account on the “List Accounts” in the WHM on a cPanel server
If you have a domain that you know is on a server, but for some reason, when you click on List Accounts in the WHM, it does not show up, check the following locations to make sure the domain exists in them all. /etc/trueuserdomains /etc/userdomains /var/cpanel/users/USERNAME (replace USERNAME with their cpanel username) /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf or …
Custom changes to the FTP server in cPanel are not saving
There used to be a time, where you could just make a change in the pure-ftp or proftp config files, and that would be the end of it. However, later versions of cPanel will now overwrite these custom changes with default settings. If you wish to make custom changes, and not have them overwritten by …
How to change the document root of a cPanel website
If you want to change the document root to a site on your server, you will need to have root access to the server via SSH command line. This is not something that can be done via the WHM or cPanel. Open the following file in your favorite editor /var/cpanel/userdata/USERNAME/DOMAIN.COM (replace username and with …
cPanel PureFTPD won’t start
When attempting to restart Pure-FTPD on your server, if you are presented with an error like this: root@cpanel [/var/run]# /scripts/restartsrv_ftpd Waiting for “pureftpd” to restart ………warn [restartsrv_pureftpd] The ‘pureftpd’ service’s PID file ‘/var/run/’ did not appear after 10 seconds. …Waiting for pure-ftpd,pure-authd to shutdown ….. terminated. warn [restartsrv_pureftpd] The ‘pureftpd’ service’s PID file ‘/var/run/’ …
cPanel: Deprecated MySQL databases
If you have upgraded to cPanel 62 and you have started receiving this email: Deprecated MySQL databases The following MySQL databases have been deprecated and are no longer used by cPanel & WHM. Database Name : Database Username leechprotect : leechprotect modsec : modsec You can delete these databases and related database users at your …
How to disable 2 factor authentication via command line on a cPanel server
If you have enabled Two-Factor Authentication on your WHM, but have lost access to get your codes, you can disable it via SSH command line. To disable it via command line, ssh to the server and run this command: whmapi1 twofactorauth_disable_policy This turns two-factor auth off. However, it does not delete the current two-factor setups. …
Have hidden files displayed in file manager on all accounts on cPanel server
There is no way in the WHM to enable show hidden files on all accounts. Currently the only official way to enable this is to log into each cPanel account, click on the file manager, click on settings, then put a check mark beside show hidden files. If you wish to have hidden files displayed …
How to stop the upcp cron emails
If you are getting nightly emails about the fact the upcp has run, and you no longer wish to see these, you can disable it by making the following change in the crontab SSH to the server, and as root, type the following crontab -e This will open up the crontab for the root user. …
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