Outsource Support Blog
How to create cPanel accounts from command line
If you’ve ever wanted to create a cpanel account from the command line, here is the command to do it. /scripts/wwwacct The Syntax of this command is as follows: wwwacct <domain> <user> <pass> <quota> <cpmod[advanced/?]> <ip[y/n]> <cgi[y/n]> <frontpage[y/n]> <maxftp> <maxsql> <maxpop> <maxlst> <maxsub> <bwlimit> <hasshell[y]/[n]> <owner> <plan> <maxpark> <maxaddon> <featurelist> <contactemail> <use_registered_nameservers> <language> …
How To Clear Your DNS Cache
Bind Error: ignoring out-of-zone data
Recently a customer created an CNAME record for in their cPanel but the changes were not taking effect. When looking in /var/log/messages, I was seeing an error like this: /var/named/domain.com.db:22: ignoring out-of-zone data (some.subdomain.com) The cname they added looked like this sales. 14400 IN CNAME some.subdomain.com. The reason this was wrong, was the customer …
How to get into your wordpress admin page when your plugins have gone rogue!
If you have an issue where you can not login to the wordpress page due to corrupt plugins, you can manually disable them all quickly by the doing the following SSH to the server or ftp into the account Browse to the wp-content folder of the affected account Rename the folder called plugins to plugins.out …
Share a folder between 2 cpanel accounts on a server
If you have a customer that wants to share a folder between 2 separate accounts of theirs, it’s a little tricky to get the permissions just right, but it can be done fairly easily. Note* This is not something that cPanel supports, and their may be some inherent security risks with this, so do this …
Removing a database for a plesk application that was deleted
If you have a customer that deleted an application that was installed via the Plesk applications, but the database did not delete, and it will not allow you to delete it, then you need perform the following steps: SSH to the server mysql -uadmin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow` use psa select id from data_bases where name=”databasename”; databasename …
How to rename an account domain name in Windows Plesk 11
Another quick tip. To change the domain name of an account on a plesk server, do the following. Login to plesk Search for their domain name Under the Websites & Domains tab, click on “Hosting Settings” Type in the new domain name, and click on OK
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